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Configuring a Buffalo LinkStation to Sync with a UPS


Applies to LinkStation SoHo 700 Series, LinkStation 700 series, LinkStation 400 series, LinkStation SoHo 200 Series 
Note: LinkStation 200 Series does not support UPS sync.

We highly recommend to connect a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) to the Buffalo NAS.
UPS is a backup power device that allows the Buffalo NAS to continue operating for a short time if power failure occurs.
Sudden power failure might cause NAS to have data corruption/data loss, or even hardware damage.
When UPS Sync with NAS shutdown feature is configured on Buffalo NAS, it helps prevent data loss by giving the Buffalo NAS enough time to safely shutdown when power outage occurs.

Not all UPS devices are supported. Make sure your UPS device is capable of USB communication. Make sure you UPS is powered on and connected to the USB port on the back of the LinkStation.


  1. Log in to Settings for the LinkStation and click on the "Advanced Settings" tile.
  2. Click on the "Management" tab at the bottom.
  3. Click on the configuration icon to the right of "UPS Sync".
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Click the radio button to sync with a UPS connected to the LinkStation. Set options as desired and click OK.